Gir National Park


Gir National Park



Best time

 November to March


1,412 sq km

Major Animals/Birds

Asiatic lion langur monkeys, jackals, leopards, antelope, deer, crocodiles and over 300 species of birds.

Gir National Park is located in Gujarat . Area of Gir National Park is 1,412 sq km , best time to visit Gir National Park is between  November- March.

Gir National Park, the sole home of the endangered Asiatic lion outside of Africa, was founded on September 18, 1965, and is stretched across 1413 square kilometres of territory in Gujarat’s Saurastra area, located in the far west of India. Gir was founded to safeguard endangered Asiatic lions, but it is now home to hundreds of airborne and terrestrial wildlife. Over 606 plant species, 36 animal species, over 2000 insect genera, and approximately 300 bird species live here. Gir Forest National Park is a perfect example of a healthy ecosystem in today’s world of declining ecological equilibrium. The diversified and dense flora contributes to the region’s ecological balance, resulting in a mild climate. Gir has been a key habitat for thousands of wild animals while also helping significantly to their survival. View lions in their natural environment in Gir and collect memories of endangered wildlife that future generations may not be able to witness.

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Gir Jungle Trail

Month Morning Time Evening Time
Monday To Sunday 6:45 AM to 9:45 AM 3 PM to 6 PM
Monday To Sunday 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM 4 PM to 7 PM
Monday To Sunday 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM  

Devalia Safari Park

Month Morning Time Evening Time
Monday To Sunday 7 AM To 7:55 AM 3 PM To 3:55 PM
Monday To Sunday 8 AM To 8:55 AM 4 PM To 4:55 PM
Monday To Sunday 9 AM To 9:55 AM 5 PM To 5:55 PM
Monday To Sunday 10 AM To 10:55 AM

Major Attractions in & Around the Park
Sasan Gir National Park: If there is a world-class wildlife destination, it has to be Gir’s Sasan National Park. It is located in Gujarat’s Junagarh district and is India’s largest sanctuary and wildlife reserve. The Asiatic lions, commonly known as Leo PantheraPersica, are the park’s major attraction
 Devalia Safari Park: It is known as the Gir Interpretation Zone, and it is part of the Gir National Park

Crocodile breeding farm: The crocodile breeding centre in Sasan Gir has always been a particularly distinctive area where newborn to adult crocks may be discovered. 

KamleshwarDham: This is considered the most important area of a dam erected over the Hiran River.
Tulsishyam temple/kankaimatateple: This is one of the most well-known temples in the area and is devoted to Krishna
Zamzir waterfall: This waterfall is located on the Hiran River and is quite a beautiful spot with an active flow all year.

Fauna in Gir National Park


Mammals found in Gir National Park

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Birds found in Gir National Park

Gir National Park’s exotic vegetation provides habitat for over 425 bird species, and the sanctuary has been designated an important bird location by the Indian Bird Conservation Network. Gir is also home to severely endangered raptors such as the white-backed and long-billed vulture, the Egyptian Vulture, the fragile Greater Spotted Eagle, and the endangered Palla’s Fish Eagle. Gir’s woodlands are home to the crested Serpent Eagle, the Changeable Hawk Eagle, and other birds of prey. Birds commonly seen when driving through Gir include the Asian Paradise Flycatcher, the Red-breasted Flycatcher, and the Fantail.

Reptiles Gir National Park

Sasan Gir is home to about 40 different kinds of reptiles and amphibians. Kamleshwar, a big reservoir in the sanctuary, is the finest place to witness Marsh Crocodiles in large numbers. There are several snake species in the park, including the King Kobra, Russell’s viper, Saw-scaled viper, and Krait. The refuge also housed star tortoises and freshwater turtles. It is also home to a significant number of marsh crocodiles and other reptiles such as star tortoises, soft-shelled turtles, monitor lizards, and Indian rock pythons. The crocodile hatchery in Sasan Gir National Park is also an excellent spot to observe..
